Travel advisory for Sault Ste Marie Region - Superior East
Travel advisory for Ontario - South

Onboard Policies

Ontario Northland is committed to providing a safe and pleasant environment for all its passengers and employees.

The Passenger Code of Conduct policy is intended to provide guidelines to users of Ontario Northland’s transportation systems and facilities.

Passenger Code of Conduct for a Respectful and Safe Environment

The following disrespectful or unsafe behaviour will not be tolerated on board Ontario Northland transportation services or in our stations:

  • Endangering the safety of others or the safe operation of a bus or train
  • Verbal or physical abuse
  • Threats, harassment or intimidating behaviour
  • Intoxication and/or disorderly conduct
  • Consumption or distribution of personal alcoholic beverages, marijuana/cannabis or illegal substances
  • Smoking or the use of electronic smoking devices/vaping
  • Carrying a weapon or a false declaration that you or any other person is carrying a weapon

In case of disrespectful or unsafe behaviour, transportation may be refused. Police may also be asked to intervene and offenders may be prosecuted.

Smoking and Vaping

Ontario Northland offers a 100% smoke-free environment on our buses, trains and stations. Smoking and/or vaping is not permitted on board trains, buses and in stations and other facilities of Ontario Northland.

Alcoholic Beverages

Provincial liquor laws prohibit the consumption of personal liquor on our buses or trains.

Lost Articles

Unchecked baggage - Ontario Northland assumes no liability for articles lost or left on a motor coach, train, or in a station. Please notify us at 1-800-461-8558 (bus) if you have left something behind. Once notified, we will make every effort to recover your personal belongings.


  • Bus: Pets are not permitted on our motor coach service. People with disabilities that travel with a service animal are welcome aboard. Passengers that require a Service Animal are permitted provided certain conditions can be met in entirety. 
  • Train: Pets are permitted on the Polar Bear Express in the baggage storage car, as long as they are in a proper pet carrier. People with disabilities that travel with a service animal are welcome on the Polar Bear Express. Customers are required to complete a release form at either the Cochrane or Moosonee Station.  


  • Bus: Ontario Northland does not provide seat belts on all motor coaches. Our newer bus fleet is equipped with three point lap/shoulder belts. While we recommend the use of these seatbelts (where available), it is not mandatory.
  • Train: Ontario Northland does not provide seat belts on the Polar Bear Express.

Car Seats

Customers are welcome to use child safety seats on Ontario Northland buses that are equipped with the 3-point harness, providing a children's fare ticket is purchased for the seat space. The customer is responsible for securing the child safety seat to the three point lap/shoulder belt, where provided. Ontario Northland will not be responsible for securing the child car seat to the bus seat.

Seat Assignment

  • Bus: Customers holding an Ontario Northland reserved ticket receive priority boarding on their scheduled trip. Seats are not assigned; reserved ticket holders are boarded first at all locations; all other customers are boarded on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Train: Customers are required to purchase tickets prior to the date of departure to ensure a seat on the train. Seats are assigned at time of ticket purchase. Ontario Northland will make every effort to seat you with your family and travelling companions when available. We encourage all customers to purchase your ticket in advance to avoid disappointment.

Customers are requested to sit in their assigned seat until the Conductor has collected all passenger tickets, at which point passengers are free to move to an available empty seat.

Scented Products and Other Allergens


Ontario Northland is committed to the comfort and safety of all of its passengers. We encourage all those who utilize our transportation services to always be mindful of potential environmental, chemical or other allergies/sensitivities of other passengers. Passengers are encouraged to refrain from wearing scented products and to avoid smoking at or about common waiting/loading areas or shortly prior to embarking our transportation service.


Ontario Northland is a transportation service open to the public and we are not able to guarantee a scent-free or allergen-free environment. Passengers must accept and prepare for the fact that allergens and/or scented products may be brought on board by other passengers and/or may be left as residue by other passengers on seats and/or other surfaces.

Passenger Precautions

Ontario Northland passengers with allergies or other sensitivities are strongly advised to take proactive measures to prepare for the possibility that they may encounter a triggering substance(s) while on board/in travel and/or in Ontario Northland stations/waiting areas. Proactive measures may include, for example:

  • having in their possession any medication, treatments and remedies (epinephrine, asthma inhaler, etc.) that they may need;
  • bringing their own food / snacks on board;

Passengers taking measures to address their own allergies/sensitivities are reminded that the products they utilize in doing so could aggravate the allergies/sensitivities of other users of Ontario Northland services.


If an Ontario Northland passenger experiences an adverse effect which they believe is attributable to products worn, carried or consumed by another Ontario Northland passenger, they are advised to notify the motor coach operator, conductor or another nearby Ontario Northland employee, without delay. Upon being so advised, the Ontario Northland employee shall take reasonable measures to address the situation in a timely manner, having regard to the needs of the various individuals involved and the surrounding circumstances.

Allergens arising from Service Animals

Ontario Northland accepts service animals on board all its motor coaches and the Polar Bear Express train, on terms specified in applicable legislation. It is recognized that the presence of service animals on transportation services may create conflicting needs between Ontario Northland passengers, including those who experience animal related allergies. Ontario Northland is committed to addressing and resolving such conflicting needs in a manner that is respectful to all of those involved and takes into account options, such as, without limitation, relocation(s) to separate coach areas, offering alternate travel itineraries etc.